As photographers, every so often we get an inquiry that just answers a creative prayer. 

This certainly does not mean that our other clients/sessions are not absolutes dreams, but these ones have something special about them – we have been praying to have a session like this, This may be due to the location, the couple, the creative vision, and more. Since moving to Pittsburgh, I had wanted to do a creative and fun rooftop shoot. And as long as I’ve been a photographer, I had wanted to shoot a surprise proposal. And this session fit BOTH of those.

Kevin and I called a few weeks before the date of the session to get the plan straight – this session was a “gift” from one of their friends’ dad. Since these five awesome people had their match day the day previous, the friend thought this would be a good time to cash in the photo shoot from his dad, who just happened to be golf buddies with my dad (not really).

Fast forward to the session date, and the five friends are incredible people and we are having a fun session. After about 10-15 minutes, I ask if any of them is a couple and Kevin points out that him and Anisha are. I ask, according to the master plan (insert mastermind laugh), if they want some pictures just the two of them while they’re here. The friends, as co-conspirators, encourage the two to get pictures together. And after a couple poses of just the two of them, Kevin gets on one knee!! Despite only have talked to Kevin a few weeks before and having met the friends that day, I was so absolutely excited and emotional, hence the very shaky video of Kevin down on one knee.

So honored to have been apart of such an incredible moment, and a dream session from start to finish.

Wish Kevin + Anisha a very big congratulations!!