I often work with couples at the beginning of a new journey – whether they just got engaged or just became husband and wife.

And while I absolutely love documenting the glow and emotional high of these milestones, there is something so special and heartwarming about photographing couples who have stood the test of time. My recent session with a couple celebrating fourteen years of marriage was no exception.

The last time Erin and Ryan had professional photos taken together, without their children, was on their wedding day. With this in mind, I was even more determined to create a gallery that beautifully captured the sweet love that has sustained them through over a decade of marriage.

Erin wore a delicate white bow in her hair and a loose white dress, while Ryan wore a classic white shirt and khaki pants that complemented his wife’s outfit. Their simple outfits allowed them to stand out beautifully again the green background. White outfits in direct sunlight can be harsh and reflective, but the overcast morning sky provided the perfect soft, diffused lighting, to give the outfits and location a romantic and timeless feel.

Despite the beautiful combination of the outfits and location, it was simply a backdrop to their beautiful love. The way they looked at each other, the gentle touches, and the share laughter spoke volumes about their deep connection. They moved with the ease and familiarity that only comes with time, but their affection for one another was as fresh and vibrant as a young couple in love.

If you and your partner haven’t had professional photos in a while, to capture this stage of your story, consider this your sign to book a session!